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  • Meaghan Geraghty

Preparing for Final


The world has rapidly become more connected. Some technologies could be considered beneficial, but they could be considered equally detrimental to your mental health, physical and emotional health. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter were created with the hopes of bring people together. However, they often make others feel more isolated, anxious and depressed. As a Society we are constantly exposed to unrealistic standards of beauty and lifestyles from all over the world. It can be a challenge to be conscious and responsible for how we view this information and images on these platforms.

The images to follow encapsulate the varying negative effects of technology we are exposed to during day to day life. Technology has become so ingrained in our routine. The access to a tremendous amount of information at our fingertip has created an era of doubt and uncertainty as we are flustered with lies and filtered images daily.


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